What Type of Wind Energy User Are You?

Wind is one of the fastest growing sources of energy in United States. The “average” wind energy user is no longer a huge organization, but, often, a small business trying to protect the environment in which it operates or an individual who wants to take hundreds of dollars off her utility bill. Regardless of the size of the installation, development requires a large upfront investment. Protecting your investment in wind energy with the right insurance coverage can be a challenge. Each wind installation has unique exposures and coverage needs, whether you are an individual powering your home or a commercial user of wind energy.
Luckily, the experts at Value Insurance Agency, Inc. are here to help! Reach out any time by filling out this form. Or, if you’d like, you can learn a little more about your insurance needs by understanding what type of wind energy user you are and what that distinction means for your coverage needs. So, to start with, do you have wind turbines for your personal property or as part of a business you manage? Click the images below for more information on each category.